Tuotevalikoimaan kuuluu monipuolisia
1- kanavaisia ohjelmoitavia lineaarisia DC kuormia.
Siglent ei ole halvin. Siglent on tehty työkaluksi eikä
"quality looks like" koristeeksi. Kilpailee hintaluokassaan laadulla!
Mallit ovat:
Huomaa analogiset lähdöt virran ja jännitteen monitorointiin (esim oskilloskooppi tms)
Tärkeimpiä ominaisuuksia:
SDL1020X (Single channel ): DC 150 V/30 A, total power up to 200 W
SDL1030X (Single channel ): DC 150 V/30 A, total power up to 300 W
4 static modes / Dynamic mode: CC/CV/CR/CP
CC Dynamic mode: Continuous, pulsed, toggled
CC Dynamic mode: 25 kHz, CP Dynamic mode: 12.5 kHz, CV Dynamic mode: 0.5 Hz
Measuring speed of voltage and current: up to 500 kHz
Adjustable current rise time range: 0.001 A/us~2.5 A/us
Min. readback resolution: X models: 0.1 mV, 0.1 mA. X-E
models: 1mV, 1mA
Short-circuit, Battery test, CR-LED mode, and factory test functions
4-wire SENSE compensation mode function
List function supports editing as many as 100 steps
Program function supports 50 groups of steps
OCP, OVP, OPP, OTP and LRV protection
External analog control
Voltage, Current monitoring via 0-10 V
3.5 inch TFT-LCD display, capable of displaying multiple parameters and states
Built-in RS232/USB/LAN communication interface, USB-GPIB module (optional)
Waveform trend chart and easy-to-use file storage and call functions
Includes PC software: Supports SCPI, LabView driver
SDL1000X datalehdet, käyttöohjeet ja muu materiaali (Siglent, engl)
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